Home > Uncategorized > Olympic games, Women Ice-Hockey: Nonsense or competitive sport?

Olympic games, Women Ice-Hockey: Nonsense or competitive sport?

Well, I had dedicated 3 bets to the Women Ice-hockey games and while searching for information about some of the teams, found a lot of factors that put in doubt women ice-hockey tournament as an Olympic one. How can competitive sport, in preliminary round end with a scoreline 82:0? How can a game in the final tournament end up 18:0? I know that the issues of equal rights for women and men are very important, but don’t you think sometimes they get to far really. Ice-hockey, weightlifting, boxing thats the sports that should do men, cause they are tough by its standards.  And personally the picture of woman pulling some 200 kilos looks abnormal for me. More less the same I can say about ice-hockey.

But here is the funny side about it. While analyzing how strong were Slovakia team and how did they manage to qualify for the Olympics, I have found out that they played qualification tournament here in Latvia and there was one particular game that maybe wonder why women Ice-hockey became Olympic sport, when there is only 2 teams competing for gold.  So its Slovakia Bulgaria game, which finished 82:0. Watch and enjoy:

Slovakia – Bulgaria 82:0 part-1

Slovakia – Bulgaria 82:0 part-2 (where they put the goalie out of goal for a sixth player, at scoreline 77:0)

Slovakia – Bulgaria 82:0 part-3 (awful part here, 2 women had a fight in that match and one receiving heavy injury)

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  1. Jay
    February 18, 2010 at 10:55

    Hahhah, thanks for those video links! I have heard about that game earlier, but never seen any video material of it.

    I also totally agree your point of view here and can add one miserable result from yesterday. Canada – Sweden 13-1 (12-0 after first two periods). Wtf? Seriously what-the-fuck? There was the world number one against probably the third best country against each other and difference is this huge.

  2. February 18, 2010 at 16:33

    This is just ridiculous result, 13-1 against Swedish team! Geeez, this sport should be named: ice-skating, ladies, team event!

  3. soratothamax
    June 17, 2010 at 11:41

    I disagree. I’ve seen worse in men’s games. What’s wrong with a woman boxing? Or playing ice hockey? I love it. It’s your opinion anyway, but I’m not jumping in no leotard and going ice skating. Give me a puck and I’m taking charge! I think any sport can get competitive, and personally, men’s basketball in my country should now be considered Olympics because the team my state plays for, the Chicago Bulls is a wack attack, and has had embarrassments like 0:102, and 1:50….and I’m like wtf?

    I think the reason they can’t get into the spirit is because there are hardly people there cheering for them, unlike men’s games. When there are people there, and more people supporting, and putting pressure on you, you are more than likely to be competitive. But women’s sports in my country are very competitive. Basketball gets seriously heated. But there are not enough people there to support them and cheer them on and watch. so what are they winning for? One little trophy? It doesn’t make a difference because no one ever notices. They shoot it down before giving it a chance.

    That’s up to you and your culture and ideas. But I’m going to lift weights if I want to and if no one likes, who cares? I have no one to impress anyway. But it’s up to you what you think befits a woman. But I personally can’t see a man cooking, being a chef, tailoring suits, participating in any Olympic sport whatsoever, and playing tennis….but they do it, so I accept it.

    See if this had been racial discrimination, or cultural discrimination not being able to play, it would be a different story wouldn’t it?

    • June 17, 2010 at 12:05

      I used to play Ice-hockey, although in amateur league, but still. And at some tournament we’ve played Latvian women Olympic team, they were of course professionals. We almost won them that day, although some of our players could barely skate.

      I don’t say that this women should be restricted from sports. I just have an opinion that some of the sports are not thought for the women, cause they are too physical. I totally respect women individuality, but for me women is the one who cares about home atmosphere, the one I should care about, the one to love, the most important part of my rough life… That’s how I feel about women! 😉 But when woman lifts twice of my weight or gets smashed in Ice-hockey tackle, I feel myself very uncomfortable… Perhaps I am old school guy, romantic, so called dying creature! :))) But thats is me and I can do nothing to change it!

  4. soratothamax
    June 17, 2010 at 12:02

    And hey, here’s what one American said about football. Do you think it should be wiped from the title of “Real sport” because of it? Some people feel football, or soccor, lacks competition. Check it out.

    Against Soccer

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